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You’ve Already Made One Mistake, Don’t Make a Second by Hiring the Wrong Divorce Lawyer. I’ll Explain.


Choosing the Right Lawyer is Critical

When facing a divorce, one of the most critical decisions you have to make is who you choose to represent your interests. Many Buffalo divorce lawyers claim that they will make your divorce case a priority and do everything they can to secure a favorable resolution. However, too many clients often find themselves "stuck" with the representation they're uncomfortable with and wonder if they can make a change—even in the middle of their divorce proceedings. Below, let's take a look at some of the most common warning signs that new divorce counsel is needed.

You Are Treated as a File Number

You deserve to be treated with respect and not simply as just another file number. Many divorce firms are “mills,” dealing in volume, rather than results. If you get the sense you are “one of many,” it may be time to find a divorce lawyer that truly cares as much about the outcome of your divorce case as you do.

Communication is Everything

Your lawyer must communicate all aspects of your case with you. You need to know the status of your case at all times, the name of the judge assigned to your case, the relevant issues, court dates, the outcome of court conferences, etc. You should be keeping a duplicate file and receive copies of all communications, correspondence, pleadings, etc. There is simply no excuse for you not being informed of all aspects of your divorce case.

Lack of Responsiveness

It's crucial that divorce clients feel as if they have easy access to their legal counsel. Your divorce lawyer should be available after hours and on weekends. There are ideas to share, updates to report, and questions and concerns to discuss. If you find yourself always getting voicemail or a receptionist and go days without a returned call from your attorney, it may be time to seek new counsel. There is simply no excuse for not returning a client’s call. Even if your attorney is “in court” or “in conference” most of the day, calls should be returned at the end of the day or in the evening. No excuses!

Refusing to Listen

Is your divorce lawyer pressuring you to accept terms you are unhappy with? Do they forget important details of your case? Do things that contradict what you discussed with them? During such a sensitive time, it can be easy to forget that your divorce attorney works for you. While it is their job to provide options and expectations, they should not be hijacking your case and steering it towards solutions you're uncomfortable with.

Lack of Timeliness

In divorce cases, there are deadlines. Both parties and their respective counsel need to adhere to the court's schedule or they will jeopardize the whole process (not to mention annoying the judge). If you've received a court notice that you have missed a filing deadline or your lawyer is continually asking for extensions for reasons unknown, it is safe to say that your case is not getting the attention it deserves.

Time for a Fresh Focus on You and Your Case

At The Rossi Law Firm, our skilled Buffalo divorce lawyers and legal team understand the stresses and challenges individuals face when confronting the divorce process. If you are in the midst of a divorce and are concerned that your case isn't receiving proper attention, our firm is ready to hear from you. We can make the process of switching attorneys as painless as possible and resume your divorce with a fresh focus on protecting your best interests.

Preeminently Qualified. Nationally Recognized. Respected and Trusted.

When you hire The Rossi Law Firm, Michael Anthony Rossi will personally handle your case. Michael is nationally recognized and has consistently received the highest possible rating for both legal ability and ethical standards. With over four decades of experience handling complex divorce and custody cases, our Buffalo divorce team understands the emotional and financial challenges individuals experience when facing the uncertainty of divorce. We will be there for you when you need the guidance and direction to get you through the difficult times. If you are ready to move forward with divorce, call Michael Anthony Rossi at The Rossi Law Firm at 716-854-5555. “It may be the most important call you will ever make!” – Michael Anthony Rossi
